Facility Use Policy


PREAMBLE: Because Parker Core Knowledge Charter School (PCK) does not employee a full time custodial staff it is extremely difficult to provide access to the PCK facility under traditional school usage policies.

The PCK facility will be available, after school hours, (Monday –Friday 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.) or during summer break if the facility is available, for programs that provide academic or athletic enhancement to the students, faculty, parents of PCK or PCK approved organizations.

Application: All applications for building use will be completed, signed and submitted to the Business Manager of PCK. Any long-term usage requests must be approved by the Board of Directors. All other requests will be reviewed and approved by the Business Manager. All applications will be approved or denied within 30 days of receiving the application. (PCK reserves the right to approve and/or deny any requests).

Approval and Authorization: After approval, a copy of the approved Application will be returned to the applicant. This Application will serve as the applicant’s identification to the appropriate PCK authorized representative at the time of use. The Custodian or any PCK staff may deny use of the building or facility unless a properly approved Application is presented.

Cancellation: At least a twenty-four (24) hour notice must be given by the user to PCK prior to cancellation. If this notice is not given, PCK may assess fees reflecting all costs incurred. PCK reserves the right to cancel building use activities should the space be needed for school or school-related activities. This privilege will be used only when necessary as a result of unavoidable circumstances. When the school is cancelled for emergencies, or weather conditions, scheduled community use activities will not be held

Denial of Request: Possible conditions of denial may include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Facilities may be unavailable at certain times during weekends, holidays, summer vacations, or when they are scheduled for maintenance.
  2. Misuse or abuse of buildings, facilities, equipment or grounds may be cause for immediate and future denial.
  3. Violation of federal, state or municipal laws, Douglas County School District or PCK policies or procedures may be grounds for a future denial of request, as well as, the immediate revocation of use and surrender of the premises.
  4. If it is determined that a proposed activity will cause excessive wear or require extensive custodial time, the request may be denied.

General Requirements: The requirements include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Any use of facilities or property shall not create a nuisance or hazard to other persons.
  2. When the building is occupied, a custodian or a PCK authorized representative must be present or authorized by the OC to simply open and close the facility for the Organization.
  3. Organizations using the facility shall neither negotiate nor pay any PCK employee directly for services rendered.
  4. Organization/Persons using the facility must confine themselves to the room(s) and Corridor(s) assigned for their use.
  5. Keys to the facility shall not be issued to any applicant
  6. Food and Drink are prohibited unless approved in the original application.
  7. Alcohol, Tobacco and Weapons are strictly forbidden on PCK property. Violation of this requirement will cause immediate cancellation of the contract.
  8. Neither gambling nor unlicensed games of chance shall be allowed.
  9. No supplies or equipment will be stored in school buildings or on school property unless approved.
  10. An adult sponsor over the age of 21 must be present during all activities.
  11. Students must be involved in activity to be present or have parent supervision.


FEE SCHEDULE: Fee are set annually by the Operating Council. Please see rate sheet for current school year.

All Rental Fees are payable in advance for the dates specified. Checks or money orders shall be payable to PCK.

Rental charges, as per rate schedule, will be based on the length of time the facility is used, inclusive of the period preceding and closing the activity. (Please see “facility use established by long term contract” section below).

The building will be vacated one hour prior to the custodian’s departing time; otherwise overtime charges will be assessed.

PCK may assess charges for use of PCK equipment.


  1. PCK clubs and or activities that benefit the PCK students, staff and or parents exclusively.
  2. Governmental Elections.
  3. Precinct Caucuses.


Organizations may rent the school building for church services, Sunday school or other PCK approved functions under the following guidelines:

  1. Use of the facility is permissible only after school hours and shall be subject to all approval conditions applicable to other organizations.
  2. Religious organizations may not conduct meetings on school grounds during school hours, or during school sponsored activities.
  3. Facility charge will follow the above mentioned “Fee Schedule” unless a monthly/annual use contract is negotiated.


  1. Approved applications are required for use of all athletic fields. All fields will be restricted to the purpose for which they are designed.
  2. No buildings, structures or equipment will allowed on PCK property without prior approval of the OC
  3. No animals will be allowed on the Grounds unless part of approved designated activity.


The signer of the Appication for Non School use of the facilities will be considered the legal agent of the organization using the facility and as such will be responsible for compliance with all conditions for facility use. The applicant signing the Application and the organization represented will indemnify PCK and any person whose property may be within the facility for loss or damage to such property caused by any persons attending said meeting, or any damage or injury arising out of, or in any manner attributable to the holding of said meeting or the use of such building or facility by reason of holding said meeting.

The applicant shall be responsible for the conduct and control of all participants and spectators and shall see that all-federal, state, municipal and district regulations governing safety are followed. There must be adequate adult supervision for all use and activities. The applicant must agree to be financially responsible to PCK for any and all damage that occurs to the facility and personal property during the period of use. Excessive wear to PCK’s equipment caused by non-school users will be charged to the user.

PCK property and comprehensive general liability does not provide coverage to communities and other groups utilizing the facilities. The Board/Principal may require the user to provide a certificate of insurance and proof of adequate police and fire protection.